Coaching changes...
- Business & Personal Achievements
- Love & Intimacy
- Health & Well-being
- Leadership & Impact
- Prosperity, Purpose & Success
I help women of all ages and all religious, spiritual or ethnic backgrounds. My experience from living in 6 different countries, equipped me well to deal with the intricacies of different worlds and a variety of cultures. I have established valuable connections with people across and beyond borders and from any background.
A growth container is needed in which that growth can take place.
We can not become ourselves BY ourselves.....
Get a Coach, find your identity in your area of highest need and Change your Life.
The first step in coaching is to get somebody into "possibility" and ignited for a growth journey.
For coaching to be successful the individual needs to be open to coaching, motivated to get curious, to extend empathy and love towards themselves and ready to reach irreversable, remarkable results.
The Concept of Coaching
This is just to start us off on the same page - giving you a brief overview and a tiny nudge if you are completely unfamiliar to the Concept of Coaching.
Hopefully this takes some of the “mystery” out of Life Coaching if you are too afraid to ask or too overwhelmed with the nonstop flow of information out there.
I will try to keep it simple.
Coach vs Consultant
“A consultant, by the nature of the definition, implies that they are the “expert”. A coach recognizes that you have value within to be and become the expert. So the best athletes in the world have coaches, and the athlete is way better than their coaches in playing the game, but the coach has a perspective the player does not have.” – Simon Sinek

"Coaches provide awareness to produce greater skills and abilities. This can unlock your greatness"
- Vincent Neri
Can anybody be a Coach?
If you hang out in some circles, you will feel as if the market suddenly flooded with Life Coaches. People who left their careers and are now are telling others how to do “Life”. People who think they have it ALL figured out.
Anybody can call themselves a coach - a person who charges money to listen, give their opinion and advice with no method in the madness. This is not the kind of coach we refer to in world class transformational coaching. It is therefor critical that you find a Coach with proper training, a proper model and verified outcomes. Look for references and familiarize yourself with the nature and character of your Coach before you make a commitment.
What model do I use?
I use a brain-based model of Causal Coaching and the work of world-renowned coaches who have decades of training under their belt backed by research.
' The question is not so much how much Coaching costs, but rather - what is the cost of not getting a Coach? '

Life is Beautiful
Embrace reality by celebrating things the way they are instead of the way you think it should be. Look out for the beauty in Life in the way Nature is - with flaws and realistic authenticity. Seasons come and go and yet we think we will have life figured out at once and then we are done. Nature is forever evolving and moving, renewing itself and therein lies it's beauty and growth.

Life is 50/50
We pursue happiness as if this is all the human race were designed for. If you can learn how to be present with your own negative emotion, you will truly discover the Secret to the Universe. Too often we buffer by chasing our desire for false pleasures instead of sitting with the discomfort we need in order to help us cope with and grow from darkness. Don't make yourself unhappy from trying to be happy.

Life is Uncertain
We can not control everything that has or is happening to us and around us. But we can control our Actions and Attitude toward our Circumstances. When nothing is certain, everything is possible. Our power lies within the responses we have towards the forces upon us and how we use them to work for and not against us. Do not stand in your own way. Just take the next step.
There is a solution to EVERY and ANY problem you are facing.
We will continue to work on it until you brain GETS IT, BELIEVES IT, TAKES ACTION and YOU GET YOUR RESULTS.

The below are not the only scenarios that create ideal opportunities for coaching but they are an indication of some of the general issues if you need help with Pain Points.
Coaching is not only recommended for people "with problems"...
It is for those who aspire to pursue their potential to the point of self-actualization after all other levels of basic need had been fulfillled.
If you FEEL these feels, then contact me ....
Reach Out

It's not SIMPLE
...Indecision and Uncertainty is keeping you stuck...
...Procrastination and Perfectionism is paralyzing you... can't see your way out of Challenging Circumstances... feel Trapped in a Career and not seeing your way up or out...
...enough with the Family Drama already ...
...everybody else is the reason you can't have what you want or need.... can't have your own dreams because you are caught between your Spouse's career and your Kids' future - the Mom/ Dad in the middle dilemma...
...Confidence and Clarity have left the building and left you behind with insecurities and confusion...

It's not EASY
...Ambition and Over-Achiever syndrome haunts you...
...Facing your Feelings leave you in Fear most days...
...Your Past is holding you back from your Future...
...Money Drama has become the norm...
...Mistakes and Major Setbacks keeps you stuck are married to your Beliefs on top of growing apart from the one you are married to...
...there is not enough time in a day...
...racial tensions are ruining your life on this planet.... suffer from Imposter Syndrome...or Performance Anxiety... has lost its meaning and success is simply not coming...

It's not FUN are Suffering in Silence...
...Social Media has taken over your Life... paper-perfect life leaves you unfulfilled...
...Your midriff is ruining your Life and the Diet Struggle is real....
...Overdrinking has become your Silent killer...
... "I wish I did... or did not.... living with Regrets and Mistakes from the Past... are exhausted trying to figure out your Passion and find your Purpose... everybody else seems to have done it... don't even know who you are anymore and can't get yourself out of your funk...
..the world has simply become a terrifying space for you to have your existences in... feel stuck and stifled most days...